3 Prayers for Catholic Dads

Recently I heard a talk given by a priest in the Diocese of Tulsa on The Christian FatherCatholic Masculinity and Fatherhood. I wish I recorded it because the talk was filled with great wisdom and practical advise. Once the priest was finished, I made my way through the crowd of men (I was excited to see so many men at church on a Wednesday night!) to ask the priest more about a prayer he referenced. He pointed me to a book called, “The Christian Father: What he should be, and what he should do.”  The book is translated from a German bishop and is broken up into 2 parts. The first part is about the father’s vocation, work, model, paternal cares, and discipline. The second part of the book is filled with beautiful prayers. This book will naturally instill Christian habits, impart a moral tone, and infuse a religious spirit into his family; and as the family is the foundation of society, we must make the father truly Christian in order to reform society. It is no mere ideal father we have here, aspiring after unattainable or fanciful saintliness. It is a father as God intended all fathers to be, such should and might be found at the head of every Christian family. I pulled these 3 prayers from the book to share with you. I hope you find them beneficial.


O God, to how many and great temptations of body and soul are my children exposed! And how insufficient is the protection I can give them. Yes, Lord, “In vain I watch over them if thou dost not assist me.” But if they dwell “in the aid of the Most High, and abide under the protection of the God of Jacob,” how contented may I not be! Receive then, O Lord, my children, under thy protection. Keep them far from all dangers of soul and body; give them health. But above all protect them from danger to their souls. Keep far from them all that may exercise a hurtful influence on their young hearts and become an occasion of sin to them. Preserve them from sin. Send “thy holy angels to keep them in all their ways that they may bear them up in their hands, lest they dash their feet against a stone.” O Almighty God and Father, lead my children through the dangers and storms of this life, that they may enter safely into the haven of salvation. Amen


O most holy God, who lovest purity and innocence, grant my children the precious gift of purity. Alas, if the vice of impurity should soil my children. How unhappy would they be – for time and eternity. Lord, protect them; keep far from them this terrible misfortune! Without thy special grace they cannot preserve holy purity. O Lord, grant them this grace! May their hearts be as a sanctuary undefiled by any impure thoughts and sentiments; may their eyes be modest, their ears and mouth closed to any impropriety in word or conversation; fill them with horror for everything contrary to purity, and let them, unblemished in body and soul, continue to be temples consecrated to the Holy Ghost. O Lord, thou lover of pure souls, let my children be numbered among thy beloved ones; let that blessing which in time and eternity accompanies holy purity come to my children.

Immaculate Mother, thou model and intercessor of pure souls; St. Joseph, St. Aloysius, and all holy youths, virgins, and saintly children, help me by your intercession. Amen.


O God, how many and how great are the temptations to sin for my children in this world! And it is not in my power to lead them safely through them Thou must assist and protect, thou must rescue and lead to victory. Come then to my aid, O Lord, in the power of thy grace, that the monster of mortal sin may not approach my children. Thou knowest, O Lord, how much I love my children; but I would rather that thou shouldst take them from me by death than that by sin they should suffer the death of their souls and become an object of abomination and wrath to thee. Therefore I beseech thee, thou Father of my children, haste to take them out of this life rather than that they should suffer this misfortune, so that by losing them during this short life I may find them again in thy house and possess them forever with thee. Hear me, O Lord, hear me; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — Hail Mary.

What is your favorite prayer as a Christian dad?

1 Comment

  1. Chris on 12/31/2018 at 4:19 AM


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