7 Steps To Forming a Catholic Men’s Group
Catholic men need to fellowship with other good Catholic men to raise up one another, support one another and to learn from one another.
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.”* ~Proverbs 27:17
We approached our buddy Ken Henderson a few years ago with the idea to form a group to help men grow in faith, a Catholic men’s fellowship. It was also around this time that we were inspired by a post I saw on Facebook on Aug 6, 2013, by The Catholic Gentleman. He had posted a GK Chesterton quote,
“In Catholicism, the pint, the pipe and the Cross can all fit together.”
What a marvelous idea. We really enjoy having a good pint of ale, smoking my pipe and enjoying good, even spirited conversation about the Catholic faith with other men. It was really all kind of spontaneous, but Ken immediately envisioned a group of men gathering once or twice a month and partaking of this type of activity. Ken had thoughts in his mind of the greats like J.R.R. Tolkien, Owen Barfield, Roger Lancelyn Green, Hugo Dyson, Robert Harvard and C.S. Lewis, to name a few, who met at The Eagle and Child pub in Oxford. They were known as the Inklings and it was from this that we took the model for our group. Men coming together, enjoying intelligent but comfortable conversation about the Truth in an atmosphere and way that men could appreciate.
Start Your Own Group… You Can Do It!
Really, to form a group, it doesn’t have to be all that complicated. I know as men we can get kind of intimidated with thoughts of forming a Bible Study. “Do I need to be a theologian?”, “I don’t know my faith that well, how can I start a group?” or “I’m a new convert to the Church and I want to grow in my faith but I don’t know how to start a group.” We seem to have this thought that we must meet at the church, in a meeting room and following a study plan. That is not necessary, and in fact, not very comfortable for most men.
With that thought in mind, this too is how you can form your own Pint, Pipe and Cross Club (or whatever you want to call it). Being informal is the key. Make it comfortable, no real structure is needed. No rules, officers, agendas, or formal elections. Men need to fellowship with other good Catholic men. So instead of a structured Bible study, the following format is suggested.
7 Steps To Forming a Catholic Men’s Fellowship:
- Pick a location, such as a pub, microbrewery, or coffee shop or at someone’s home. Somewhere with seating and room to just hang out and talk. Preferably somewhere that allows smoking. (To be honest, we tried a pub. But the noise level was often so bad that we couldn’t talk. Now we all meet at my home, outside on my patio so that we can smoke our pipes and cigars!)
- Meet monthly. If you want to meet more often you can, but once a month seems to work well with our schedules.
- Have a spiritual advisor (I recommend a personal spiritual director for yourself and perhaps invite a priest or mentor who can attend your group.)
- Begin and end each gathering with a prayer, giving thanks, asking for petitions and praying for one another.
- Have a spiritual book or scripture study in progress at all times. One chapter a month. Discuss, but set no time limit on the discussion. Let the conversation flow freely.
- Have everyone bring two bottles of craft beer or homebrewed beer (I brew my own!)Remember to practice moderation. A moderate amount of alcohol allows the conversation to relax and flow freely.
- Relax and have a good time. Fellowship, but don’t necessarily limit to spiritual discussion. Have fun with it.
Grow in Truth, Share Good Times, Build Lifelong Friendships
Sound Catholic teaching should be the emphasis of discussion, using good Catholic literature, writings of the saints and other spiritual writings. Non-Catholics may be permitted to be members, by all means, invite them, but keep in mind that no anti-Catholic writings should be discussed or permitted. The purpose is to use this time to grow in your faith, learn a deeper understanding of the Truth and develop lifelong friendships among your Catholic brothers. Sharing good times, mentoring one another and supporting each other.
Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily broken. ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12
Stay tuned as we will be suggesting in my next post, materials, books, helpful websites, and apps that you can use in your group.
Do you have a Catholic Men’s Group already started? We want to hear about it! Send us pictures of your group and what you guys do and we will highlight it on our next blog!
Remember…We are on the winning side, so raise your glass. Cheers to Jesus!
Great article. Thanks for writing this Adam. Daily I find that I am learning more and falling more in love with the Lord as I read more, listen to podcasts, pray, and partake in the Eucharist at least twice a week. I have been lectoring at my parish and recently have begun a new ministry as a Eucharistic minister. I want to be able to discuss things I see and hear during the week or month in a comfortable setting and with good friends. I know that I can always join the Men’s Club at my parish but somehow that just does not seem like me. I would like to be able to discuss with people who I consider close friends. Having these simple guidelines are perhaps a way for me to get a group of men together that I consider friends and family who I feel should also share in the Lord. Again, great article and thanks.
Our priest has asked me if I was interested in facilitating a Catholic Men’s Group. I too am fairly new to Catholicism although being Catholic on my life. I have agreed and quite nervous but entirely ready to move forward. Any information will truly be helpful! Thank you.
Encourage the Holy Rosary, daily – teach it share it spread it – get excited about the 1 true faith- we are family we have a Mother
Lead the Family
Lead the parish- Male voices are absent in rc churches now 🙁
Pick a motto- eg Lead with the Gospel Truth in Love
Promote all 10 True RC 10 commandments locally as and how you can
Watch and discuss new converts to catholicism you tubes- experts eg dr taylor marshall – philosophy and dr peter kreeft – scott hahn
and dr richard fitzgibbons a cradle catholic – psychiatrist
Build strength and courage to call out heresy, with factual rebuttals form sacred scripture and practice, as per RCIA Rebuke Correct Instruct and Admonish – Tim 2-16
Quote the Word of God as if we were Prods 🙂
Viva Chirsto Rey y Maria Ave
I’m a big fan of the Catholic Man Show , found it about a month ago and have listened to all 100+ podcasts, personally I think Bud Light, boxed wine and Black Velvet are very manly LOL. But I’m older than your dads, so I’ve never savored a fine whiskey with terms like fruity, nutty, oaky or what kind of nose it has😂 I went wine tasting in Napa valley in California and the wine pourer would ask if I tasted the fruity, woody, smoky bla bla bla, nose, finish etc. the most expensive wines tasted like burnt tires and had a finish like turpentine. LOL 😂 Anyway I was a member of a men’s group at my parish but it died. So I’ve been praying and asking God if I should start a new one. Your 7 steps are awesome and I think I’m ready to pursue it. BTW I have a man gear I would like to send you for the show. Pubwashers it’s a tabletop version of washers traditionally played on the ground. Please don’t be offended I am not questioning your manliness, just having fun. After all we’re on the Lords team, the winning side, so raise your glass, Cheers to Jesus
[…] is a great article from The Catholic Man Show about how to start your own group. It only takes a few men to get a […]
[…] act. Part of this might be apathy. But part of this might be that in today’s world men lack a community of males to initiate their sons into manhood and to recognize their new status. This is yet another reason […]
First off, this is a great idea that I am trying to replicate in my area. Nothing like this exists where I live that I know of. I was curious as to how you promote your events and gain members? Do you use meetup or any type of social media? Thanks!
I just stumbled across this while looking for Catholic Men’s Bible Study or Other Study Materials to suggest to some men in our parish who are looking to start a Men’s Group, this is fantastic. Do you have a top 3-5 list of studies they should consider doing first?
I’ m alread a member of an inational and international Mens group!
The Knights of St. Columba. Part of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights.
We would welcome any of you members who would like to know more of us.
Philip McShee. Grand Knight Southampton Council.
K.S.C. Is online as ate our Ntetnational allied groups.
God bless you!