40 Days for Life – Episode 20
The Catholic Man Show
This week on The Catholic Man Show, Adam and David talk about their awesome new glencairne glasses! If you would like a Catholic Man Show glencairne glass, become a friend of the show! We also talk about the Go Life Mobile Medical fundraiser on September 24th. Check out http://www.golifemobilemedical.com/. Our man topic is on 40 days for Life that starts September 28th and how important it is for men to be active in the pro-life movement!
Man Drink: Glenmorangie Lasanta 12
Man Gear: Tent
Man Topic: 40 Days for Life
The Catholic Man Show is hosted by Adam Minihan and David Niles from Tulsa, OK. They provide a raw, comical, and insightful conversation about ways Catholic men should live their lives in a secular world. The show has been called, “The Seinfeld of Catholic Radio.” Feel free to check out our website on St. Michael Catholic Radio or see our podcasts on Breadbox Media. #CheerstoJesus