Fireside Chat with Michael Miley – Episode 57
Fireside Chat with Michael Miley – Episode 57 Adam and David used to sit fireside with a dram of whisky and possibly a cigar and talk theology for hours before they started The Catholic Man Show. Going back to their roots, they are joined by their friend Rival Sons Drummer and Opus Dei cooperator, Michael Miley.…
Just War Theory – Episode 56
Just War Theory – Episode 56 The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraphs 2302-2317, authoritatively teaches what constitutes the just defense of a nation against an aggressor. Called the Just War Doctrine, it was first enunciated by St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD). Over the centuries it was taught by Doctors of the Church, such…
Adam and David join Patrick on ‘The Patrick Coffin Show’
Bachelor Party: Catholic Men’s Guide – Episode 55
Bachelor Party: Catholic Men’s Guide – Episode 55 Special thanks to friend and listener Huw Richardson (Twitter handle @thankhuw) for sponsoring this episode of The Catholic Man Show! We appreciate you sending us the St. George Gin. Catholic Bachelor Parties: Wedding season is upon us. What does that mean for men? Bachelor parties. How do…