16 things you didn’t know about St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas did not write about himself in his corpus of work. Adam and David rely on William of Tocco to tell us 16 things we didn’t know about St. Thomas Aquinas’s life. We discuss: Thomas’s mother Thomas as a baby When his mom wanted to confirm his vocation and prophesy Thomas being in…

Who is Bl. John Duns Scotus? with Fr. Bonaventure Chapman, O.P.

Who is Bl. John Duns Scotus? What was he known for? We bring in a Dominican to talk about this Franciscan. Fr. Bonaventure Chapman discusses with us: Who is Bl. John Duns Scotus? What did he preach? Distinctions between the will and the intellect. Was there actual friction between St. Thomas Aquinas and Bl. John…

David Reacts to Saint Quotes

David gives his raw reactions to quotes from medieval saints Adam and David discuss quotes from: St. Catherine of Sienna St. Anthony of Padua St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. John Damascus St. Anselm of Canterbury St. Albertus Magnus St. Thomas Aquinas Exodus 90 – JOIN US Sign up for The Loop – Are you in the Loop?…

Venial Sin is a Worse Evil than any Physical Evil

This week we take a look at what Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, OP says about venial sin Scroll to the bottom of the page for the show transcript Check out our new Catholic Man Show Stocking Caps – Buy them here ENJOY THE SHOW AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE? SUPPORT TCMS, GET AWESOME THANK YOU…

The Marital Debt

What is Marital Debt? What does St. Thomas Aquinas say about it – Let’s discuss Scroll to the bottom of the page for the show transcript ENJOY THE SHOW AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE? SUPPORT TCMS, GET AWESOME THANK YOU GIFTS, AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD. Become a Patron! PATREON AUDIO: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS…