8 Principal Faults

There are eight principal faults which attack mankind according to St. John Cassian. Eight Principal Faults by St. John Cassian: Gastrimargia (gluttony) Fornication Philargyria (Avarice or Love of Money) Anger Dejection Acedia Cenodoxia (boasting or vainglory) Pride Exodus 90 – JOIN US Support Us on Patreon Become a Patron! Over 40 interviews, a course with…

The Daughters of Vainglory

What are the Daughters of Vainglory? Adam and David discuss what vainglory is and whether the daughters of vainglory are suitable: Disobedience Boastfulness Hypocrisy Contention Obstinacy Discord Love of Novelties Exodus 90 – JOIN US Sign up for The Loop – Are you in the Loop? Get the headlines, the best of blogs, your saint of the…

7 Daughters of Covetousness

Adam and David the seven daughters of covetousness. Seven daughters of covetousness: Treachery Fraud Falsehood Perjury Restlessness Violence Insensibility to mercy Exodus 90 – JOIN US Sign up for The Loop – Are you in the Loop? Get the headlines, the best of blogs, your saint of the day, the daily Scripture readings… sign up today. Support…

Angry? Here are the daughters of wrath…

This week we discuss the daughters of anger If you battle with anger, here are some things to think about: What sins stem from anger? Is there such a thing as good anger? Are we bitter towards those we love? Does anger open the door to lust? Does anger open the door to gluttony? And…

Daughters of Gluttony

This week we talk about gluttony and what the saints say about it. What is gluttony? What does St. John Cassian, St. Benedict, St. John Chrysostom, Dante, Socrates, and Josef Pieper say about gluttony? What does St. Thomas Aquinas say about the daughters of gluttony? Can we be a glutton of time? We discuss this…