A Defense for the Intellectual Life

The Intellectual Life

Adam and David make a defense for the intellectual life. An intellectual life: Why be an intellectual? What are the enemies of knowledge? Virtue proper to the intellectual life How to develop an intellectual life The order of the mind must correspond to the order of things. Reality rises to the divine. Not too late…

Hallmarks of Fraternal Correction

Fraternal Correction

What are the hallmarks of fraternal correction? When should we do it? In what way should we do it? Three hallmarks of fraternal correction: Privately Charitably Rarely Are we required to do it? What if you fear the correction will make it worse? Not too late to join Exodus 9o Holy Week Support Us on…


Four Types of Watchfulness

What is watchfulness? Who is St. Hesychius? And what are the four types of watchfulness? We discuss the four types of watchfulness, which are: Closely scrutinize every mental image or provocation. Free the heart from all thoughts, keeping it profoundly silent and still in prayer. Continually and humbly call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for…

Angry? Here are the daughters of wrath…

6 Daughters of Wrath

This week we discuss the daughters of anger If you battle with anger, here are some things to think about: What sins stem from anger? Is there such a thing as good anger? Are we bitter towards those we love? Does anger open the door to lust? Does anger open the door to gluttony? And…

Difficulties in Mental Prayer

Difficulties of Mental Prayer

David and Adam discuss Dom Eugene Boylan’s book, Difficulties in Mental Prayer It can be difficult to pray, but it is even more difficult not to pray. In this book, Dom Eugene explains what prayer really is, why it is necessary for everyone and how anyone can become proficient in it. Without using complicated language, he introduces…