Steak, Scotch, and Cigars Event

Steak, Scotch, and Cigars in support of Oklahoma Catholic Radio

Steak, Scotch, and Cigars in support of Oklahoma Catholic Radio

Archbishop Paul Coakley has invited Adam Minihan and David Niles from The Catholic Man Show to come to Oklahoma City on Friday, October 2nd for a Steak, Scotch and Cigar evening in support of Oklahoma Catholic Radio.

The event will include an awesome ribeye steak dinner by Chef Gerald Duke.

“Adult Whisky for Adults” will feature 18 years and older Single Malt Scotch Whiskies provided by our great friend Stan Stack at Beau’s Wine Bin & Spirit Shoppe.

We will also have a great conversation with the “real, relatable and often comical,” Adam and David. If you haven’t heard their show, please visit the The Catholic Man Show website to learn more. Each show has 1) a Manly Drink, 2) a Manly Gear, and 3) a Manly Topic.

This event will help Oklahoma Catholic Radio reach more people with more effective programs. Catholic Radio is an incredible tool of evangelization for the Church and we hope you will join in supporting this apostolate.

Please come and enjoy a great evening; feel free to invite your friends.


Click here to register


Becauase of Covid, we will take care to spread out during the event, but the outside patio of the Catholic Pastoral Center has plenty of space!

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