13 quotes from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was a master communicator with an unforgettable voice and ability to communicate the message of Christianity to all peoples. He had a way of being very likable and welcoming to all, no matter what your beliefs were. (Continue reading on Wikipedia)

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote 66 books, not including numerous booklets and books that were republished with new titles. Here are 13 quotes on a wide variety of topics.

On Authority

If it be true that the world has lost its respect for authority, it is only because it lost it first in the home.

On Being Human, 174

On Family Life

Home life is the God-appointed training ground of human character, for from the home life of the child springs the maturity of manhood, either for good or for evil.

On Being Human, 170

On Being a Gentleman

The gentleman is the one who is modest and retiring, who waits first on the others and thinks of everyone but himself, and finds his chief happiness in making someone else happy; who, however poor and humble anyone else may be, bears to them the open palm of true nobility.

Guide to Contentment, 123

On Socrates

How the modern world needs a Socrates, who used to walk into the market place of Athens asking people questions in order to make them discover themselves! True, he was put to death for unmasking others, but he left the world the heritage of “know thyself.”

Guide to Contentment, 80

On Being Sincere

The sincere are those who have an ensemble of virtues, who are equally good at speaking and listening; who have silences, as well as words; who are not opaque like curtains, but transparent like window panes. They speak, knowing that one day they will have to be judged by God.

Way to Inner Peace, 85



On a Rocking Chair

The rocking chair, it has been said, is a typical American invention; it enables man to rest as he is restless, to sit in one place and still be on the go.

Lift Up Your Heart, 140

On Poets

Poets are those who have been richly endowed with a sense of the invisible, who can look out upon exactly the same phenomena that other mortals take seriously, and see in them something of the Divine.

Moods and Truths, 71


On Manners

Politeness is a way of showing externally the internal regard we have for others. Good manners are the shadows cast by virtues.

On Being Human, 177

On Leisure

The modern man has more leisure than the men of a century ago, but he knows less what to do with it.

Way to Inner Peace, 108-109

On Zacchaeus

One cannot imagine the Director of the Tax Bureau of any great city climbing a tree to see a parade, or to catch a glimpse of a visitor, but apparently, Zacchaeus was more humble. When a man begins looking for God, he will soon discover the God is looking for him.

Thoughts for Daily Living, 90-91

On Holiness

Holiness is the last argument that can be used to win over erotic souls; but in dyas of the erotic, holiness is a scarce commodity.

Those Mysterious Priests, 265

On Jefferson and Lincoln

To Jefferson goes the credit of writing our Declaration of Independence. To Lincoln goes the credit of writing our Declaration of Dependence. Jefferson declared we were independent from tyrants; Lincoln added, we are dependent on God. The ethical complement to our Bill of Rights, he told us, is our Bill of Duties.

The Divine Verdict, 44


The pacifist thinks that the alternative to war is peace; it is not. Sometimes the alternative is oppression. Sometimes certain God-given rights and liberties can be preserved only by resistance to that which would destroy them. And to defend certain basic God-given rights and liberties is not immoral but righteous.

A Declaration of Dependence, 60


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  1. Gitfiddle Picker on 02/03/2019 at 4:23 PM


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