We didn’t want another Lenten podcast


This episode is sponsored by our friend and Council of Man member, Rich Lamm aka… The Grump Dad. We(Adam), also gives an apology to Brian Tomlinson for drinking all his bourbon he sent.

If this is your first time listening to The Catholic Man Show, we do 3 things every episode:

1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage – Minutes 1-12.

2.) Highlight a man gear – Minutes 12-24.

3.) Have a manly conversation – Minutes 24-48.


We really tried to not make this another Lenten podcast…

Pliny the Elder is brewed with Amarillo, Centennial, CTZ, and Simcoe hops. It is well-balanced with malt, hops, and alcohol, slightly bitter with a fresh hop aroma of floral, citrus, and pine. Best enjoyed FRESH! That is why we make it in such limited supply. Actual bottling date is printed on each bottle!

A good Fireplace tool set:

MAN DRINK: Pliny the Elder

MAN GEAR: Fireplace tools

MAN TOPIC: We didn’t want another Lent podcast

If you haven’t listened to The Catholic Man Show before, check out our previous episodes here.

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Men’s Conferences:

Oklahoma Catholic Men’s Conference:OK Catholic Men's Conference



Wichita Men’s Conference:

Wichita Men's Conference

A manly way to support – $10 bucks a month

If you enjoy The Catholic Man Show and want to support us, we have started Council of Man. Members of the Council will be given a free TCMS glencairn glass, private Facebook Group, newsletters, access to private content on our website, and more in exchange for a $10/month pledge. Join us as we grow together and continue developing a community of men who want to pursue holiness and the lost art of living virtuously. Cheers to Jesus my friends!

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