Aquinas on Praying without Ceasing

St. Thomas Aquinas on Praying without Ceasing We are looking for a few men who are taking their faith seriously. Become a Patron! New post on patreon – Praying the Rosary with St. Louis de Montfort If you enjoyed this episode us on Patreon: Extra content, great thank you gifts, exclusive access to Adam and…

Principle of the Integral Good

Deacon Robert Healey from the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma joins us this week to talk about the principle of the integral good. This episode is sponsored by Covenant Eyes. Use promo code “catholicman” to get a 30-day free trial in protecting you and your family from the dangers of the internet. Join us on…

5 Philosophers Catholic Men Should Know – Episode 143

5 Philosophers Catholic Men Should Know Special Guest: Thomas Lackey – a parishioner at Most Precious Blood in Tulsa, Ok. We threw out the format in this episode! No drink. No gear. Just sitting around the table with friends and talking about the most important topics in our faith. If you missed our episode last week on the…