Book Review: The Conservative Heart by Arthur Brooks

The Conservative Heart book cover

The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America by Arthur Brooks What qualities come to your mind when you think of a political conservative? You might think of someone that is financially responsible, sensible, and you may even think of someone who is just like you: a member of the…

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Book Review: Everyday Meditations

Everyday Meditations book cover

Book Review: Everyday Meditations By: St. John Henry Newman Sophia Institute Press Late last April our parish was blessed to open a perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel. I was able to be present as the final touches were being made just before the Archbishop arrived to give his blessing. Needless to say, it was quite a…

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Let us be Thinkers and Believers

Adam and Dave discuss faith and reason

Here’s a new word for you: apotemnophilia.  It is a psychological disorder, a body dysmorphic disorder.  Think: anorexia, falsely experiencing being a fat person; or transgenderism, falsely experiencing being the opposite sex. For apotemnophilia, it is falsely experiencing being an amputee.  This is a person who has two legs, but experiences themselves without.  When severe, they…

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